Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex)

We are pleased to share the new Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex). Founded in 1998 by the Texas Association of Community Colleges as the Virtual College of Texas, DigiTex assists Texas community colleges in providing Texas learners an education without bar- riers, focusing on digital educational opportunities, resources, and services.

The Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas - DigiTex (formerly Virtual College of Texas) believes that education is transformative and is committed to helping its member institutions adapt to a rapidly changing higher education landscape that prioritizes learner equity. DigiTex will be the “go to” source to analyze optimal digital education outcomes, ensure quality, and boost learner success. We will be recognized across the state and nation for our excellence in service, innovation, and collaboration.

SAC Online is a provider college for DigiTex which means that SAC provides instruction through online courses to students from other community colleges across Texas. SAC is not a host college. SAC's DigiTex office cannot enroll SAC students in courses at other community colleges.  Students must first register with their home (host) college in order to take DigiTex classes at SAC.  

San Antonio College’s involvement in the DigiTex is in the role of a provider college. As a provider college SAC Online:

  • Provides instruction for a variety of courses and defines course content and instructional methodologies;
  • Direct all class activities, including assignments and tests and award final grades;
  • Establish academic calendar for courses offered through DigiTex
  • Provide online book ordering at the College Book Store.  

Procedures for Students

Through DigiTex, once you complete the registration process, you will receive an E-mail from our SAC DigiTex Coordinator with instructions to access your online course. 

The Online Course will be hosted on our Canvas System. Canvas is our Learning Management System (LMS). SAC Online uses Canvas for its internet courses. Using Canvas, a student can view course materials, take tests, communicate with the instructor and other students over the Internet using only a web browser such as Google Chrome and possibly a few document viewers and browser plug-ins.

Online Support Resources

Several Online Resources are available to help you get familiar with ACES and Canvas.  Select the Online Resources link for more information.

Getting the right browser and setting it up correctly is critical to your success with online coursework. Check your browser here.

Additional Information

For more information about the Virtual College of Texas at San Antonio College as a provider, contact the SAC-DigiTex Coordinator ( or SAC Online office at (210) 486-0044.  For technical assistance, contact our San Antonio College Helpdesk at (210) 486-0777 or send us an E-mail message to